Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury

Published in 1953, it first appeared in the 1951 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction. An example of dystopian fiction, the novel presents a future in which all books are banned and critical thought is suppressed. The title is a reference to the temperature at which books burn in the novel. In 1998 this book was removed from the required reading list of West Marion High School in Foxworth, Mississippi because a parent complained of the use of the words “God damn” in the novel.


Anonymous said...

I do not condone anyone taking the Lord's name in vain or using it profanely. With that said, I wonder if those who banned the book even read it? In the novel, there is a group of professors who divide the Bible amongst one another and commit their sections to memory in order to preserve it. To me, that helps define one of the greatest purposes of celebrating the freedom to read, which is to learn about life from others who have lived before us and most importantly to learn about our Creator.

I first read the novel in 1997. I'm still reminded of the novel as I walk down the streets and see people walking around with tiny headphones in their ears or as I walk in to stores with TVs playing everywhere. :) And I wonder if we're headed into a society where books are not banned but forgotten.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence. Banning a book from 1953 which describes the future holding a society that bans books and suppresses critical thought...

As far as "God Damn" goes, I wonder if the Mississippi parent who complained would find it offensive if it was "Allah Damned". Would it still be offensive if it was another religious God's name taken in vain? Or would it not be so bad then since his or her religion is the only 'right' one?

The bottom line is, just because that parent is upset, doesn't mean he or she can force his or her opinions on everybody else, and not allow any of those kids to read that book.

kimberly B said...

kim b, (junior in highschool).. i have had the pleasure of reading half of these books that are "banned" and i would like to say they are amazing books because they teach you so much of how people think and act upon racism, sexism,dystopias,and other disfuntional things certian parents try to sheild their kids from because of their disdain for these topics. I think its BS! because we need to learn about these things and what better way to know about these things than through educated authors that have either lived through these situations or have studied them. STOP SHEILDING YOUR KIDS FROM THE REAL WORLD!!! get over yourself these books educate us they do not influence us to do the bad that they mention. If anything was to protect us would be the parents job dont blame books for your child's disfuntion. we're moving on and growing everyday you cant stop it so go with it or you will be chewed up and spat out. Yes these books contain cussing,violence,etc. but what's new? we see these things everyday and hear cussing all the time it is a personal choice to behave this way. Books tell stories and educate people. and this book Fahrenheit 451 basically tells you about the madness that would happen if people didn't read becoming uniform and having no diffrentiation from one another. Books will never be forgotten because we are introduced to them in school, which would never cease to exist, and there will always be kids like me that are very fond of books and will always keep them near. Knowledge is power!!!! to be all you have to know all. so as my generation would say it....STOP TRIPPIN G!!!!!!