Thursday, September 27, 2007

Of Mice and Men- John Steinbeck

Published in 1937, this novella tells the tragic story of George and Lennie, two displaced migrant ranch workers during the Great Depression. The title is taken from a Robert Burn’s poem “To a Mouse,” which is often quoted as “the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” The novella was banned from many school libraries and curricula over the years for its promotion of Euthanasia, foul language, and controversial subject matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This book should not be banned. It opens minds to possibilities of something that could metaphorically happen. It is in schools and libraries so people can read it and maybe develop an opinion on topics like Euthanasia. It's great that some of these people have an opinion, but let young kids at least read the book and develop an opinion of their own.

As far as the foul language goes, the parents should be more concerned about the amount of that language used in everyday school conversations. The sum of all foul words used in any given high school within 5 seconds is probably more foul language contained in "Of Mice and Men".